I had a conversation with a friend a few weeks ago. About the absurd ephemerality of the human existence, and memory. How, an event, that we're living at that very moment, a moment that can mean everything to us...will become nothing more than a snapshot...a picture...a polaroid that we'll file away in the dark, dusty cob web ridden attic we call our mind. How, such a seemingly permanent state of being will become just another anecdote..a story we'll tell to friends over a spliff and a bottle of Georgi Gin......
It's kind of like a piece of gum you step on and don't realize. Then weeks later, when we're rifling through a closet with the intention of getting rid of old stuff to make more room for whatever piece of thing we just purchased, we'll find that crusty, brown old pair of shoes, and as we flip the shoes over to toss them into the garbage bag, we see the black piece of gum...lodged in between the grooves of at the bottom of the shoe...it scares me...how everything we do will become just...a faint reminder, of what we were....how the emotions that we felt...that we were so convinced of and immersed in become a haphazardly highlighted sentence in a forty thousand page manuscript we will call our life...
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